Created by and for non-profit leaders, CSCNL is partnering with Scale Collaborative, Community Foundation NL, and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to bring this national leadership program to the province, creating a cohort of 12 organizations that will develop a revenue diversification plan and strategy for implementation over six months.
The program will cover nine revenue diversification strategies, including social enterprise, donations, grants, fee for service, events, leverage, contracts, partnerships, and assets. The partnership represents a significant step toward financial sustainability for non-profits in Newfoundland and Labrador, ensuring they can continue to provide vital services and contribute to the local economy.
Join us for an Information Session with Kristi Rivait, Director of Partnerships and Programs at Scale Collaborative, on March 20, 2024, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM NDT. Register here:
Apply for the Newfoundland and Labrador Summer 2024 Thriving Non-Profits Cohort Program (open to all non-profits or charities located in or serving anywhere in Newfoundland and Labrador). Apply here:
For more details, contact Bettina Ford at or (709) 651-1140.
Learn more about how Thriving Non-Profits helps non-profit leaders transform their organizational finances and culture with new strategies and thinking to support their programs, teams, and mission:
other events
Enroll in techKNOWtutors’ Digital Literacy Month – because knowledge is power, and empowerment begins with digital literacy!
Taxation for Non-Profits 5-part Series
Free Information and Insights with the CRA. CSC NL is once again pleased to welcome Michael Monk, a seasoned expert with over 30 years of experience, to deliver these sessions, share resources and answer your questions over zoom.
International Volunteer Day
December 5 is International Volunteer Day! Join us online to celebrate the amazing contributions of volunteers in Newfoundland and Labrador toward the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.