To Reserve or Not To Reserve – A Panel Discussion
The panel, featuring Penelope Rowe – Chair (CSC NL), Tammy Davis (United Way NL), Laura Wardle (Grant Thornton LLP), Brian Scammell (Brian T. Scammell Assurance, Valuation & Advisory), and Josh Quinton (CIBC Wood Gundy), convened to discuss the need, barriers and possibilities of setting up reserve funds for not-for-profit organizations.
(Held Monday, 14 May 2018)
- Video – To Reserve or Not To Reserve
- Clear the Fuzzy Thinking About Nonprofit Reserves (Barr, K.)
- Director Duties – Keeping a Reserve (Lalonde, S.)
- Tips on Development a Reserves Policy (Lalonde, S.)
- Planning ahead: Improving financial health with reserves planning (Grant Thornton LLP)
- How Much Surplus is Appropriate for a Non-Profit or Charity Organization (Corkum, B.)
- Nonprofit Operating Reserves and Policy Examples (Nonprofits Assistance Fund)
- Maintaining Nonprofit Operating Reserves (Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative Workgroup)
- Operating Reserve Policy Toolkit for Nonprofit Organizations (Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative Workgroup)
- Appendix C: Policy on Agency Reserves (Excerpt – United Way NL)
- Charitable Giving (CIBC)
- Give a little bit (CIBC)
- Guidance CG-013 – Fundraising by registered charities (Excerpt – Canada Revenue Agency)
- Income Tax Interpretation Bulletin (IT)496R re: Income Tax Act and Non-Profit Organizations (Canada Revenue Agency)
- Condominium Act, 2009 (Excerpt – Government of NL)
Preparing For Your Financial Statement Audit – WEBINAR
Learn about the difference between an audit and a review engagement and who can perform them; what to expect during an audit; and what your organization can do to work smoothly through the process.
(Offered Wednesday, 25 April 2018)
- Audit Preparation Webinar Recording
- Power point slides for Audit Prep 25 Apr 2018 webinar
- Sample List of Requested Items for Audit (B Scammell)
- The Difference Between and Audit and a Review Engagement (The Strauss Blog)
- Financial Information Kit (Charity Central)
- Why RFPs Should Be a Nonprofit Leader’s Best Friend
- A Guide to Financial Statements of Not-For-Profit Organizations: Questions for Directors to Ask (CPA Canada)
The Role of Treasurers and Finance Committees
A discussion of the vital role Treasurers and Finance Committees play with respect to nonprofit financial management.
(Offered Monday, 12 March 2018)
- Power point slides for The Role of Treasurers and Finance Committees 12 March 2018
- Role Description for a Charity Treasurer (the Charities File)
- Duties of the Treasurer of a Nonprofit Corporation (Nonprofit Law Blog)
- The Finance Committee (Bradrick, E.)
- Role of the Finance Committee (Nonprofit Accounting Basics)
- Make Good Use of the Treasurer and Finance Committee (Barr, K.)
- Exerpt from Accountants on Board: Guide to Becoming Director of a Not-for-Profit Organization (CPA Canada)
- Accountants on Board: Guide to Becoming Director of a Not-for-Profit Organization FULL (CPA Canada)
Internal Financial Controls: Protecting Your Organization
What board and staff need to know about protecting financial assets from fraud, theft and inefficiencies; tips and tools, plus helpful handouts and links to resources.
(Offered Tuesday, 20 February 2018)
- Power point slides for Internal Financial Controls – Protecting Your Organization 20 February 2018
- Lack of training for board members often breeds expense scandals, says expert (CBC News)
- Preventing fraud in Not For Profit organizations (RBC Royal Bank)
- Critical financial controls that could shelter the homeless and feed the hungry (Charity Village)
- Tools for nonprofit leaders: Policies and procedures (Charity Village)
- Cheque it Out: Internal Financial Controls for Nonprofits – Checklists (CSC NL)
- More than $58,000 still unaccounted for at Mile One Centre (The Telegram)
- Business owners say fraud, theft by former bookkeeper had huge impact (The Telegram)
- Fraudulent accountant blasted for sticky fingers (CBC News)
- Newfoundland priest and wife facing chanrges of fraud (Anglican Journal)
- 3 things you should know about pre-employment credit checks (
Learn to Reconcile Your Bank Account
How to prepare the bank reconciliation, with a working example, as well as tips for the bank reconciliation review.
(Offered Thursday, 15 February 2018)
Operating Budgets and Cash Flows: Do You Use Them?
A look at the budgeting process and related cash flows – a 2-hour workshop to fine tune the skills of both staff and volunteers.
(Offered Tuesday, 13 February 2018)
- BTB Budgets Power Point Slideshow
- Budgeting for Nonprofits
- Budgeting Guide for Non-Profits
- Fifteen budget tune-up tips
- 10 step annual budgeting checklist
- Learn from the Pros
- 13 Free Nonprofit Budget Templates You Should Try
- Copy of cash flow projection
- Detailed expense estimates
- Simple Budget Template
Completing and Filing T4 Slips and the T4 Summary – WEBINAR
With this 56 minute webinar, learn how to complete and file T4 slips & summaries for your organization
(Offered Wednesday, 7 February 2018)
- Completing and Filing T4 Slips and the T4 Summary Webinar recording
- T4 web Power Point Slideshow
- T4 (fillable)
- T4 Summary (fillable)
- rc4120-17e
Payroll, Benefits & Remittances: Paying Your Employees Correctly – WEBINAR
Demostrations on how to develop and maintain a Payroll system for your organization. A hour long webinar discussing benefits, payroll & remittance.
(Offered Wednesday, 31 January 2018)
- Payroll, Benefits & Remittances – Paying Your Employees Correctly Webinar recording
- T4001 Employer’s Guide Payroll
- Td1-fill-04-17e
- T4032 NL_General_Jan 1 2017
- CPA_Pay_Statement_Guidelines
- 20170906_Employer_Registration
- Payroll web Power Point Slideshow
Accounting Software – Do You Need IT? – WEBINAR
A 39 minute webinar presentation about accounting software and how it can benefit any organization.
(Offered Wednesday, 13 December 2017)
- Accounting Software – Do You Need It Webinar recording
- BTB Accounting Software (web) Power Point Slideshow
- The Top 8 Free Accounting Software for Nonprofits
- Free and Low Cost Accounting Software Options for Nonprofits
- Techsoup CANADA – A Few Good Accounting Packages
- Capterra – When Do You Need Accounting Software
The Do’s and Don’ts of Charitable Receipting – WEBINAR
With this one hour webinar (and resources), learn how to and how not to go about Charitable Receipting within Nonprofit Organizations.
(Offered Wednesday, 29 November 2017)
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Charitable Receipting Webinar recording
- BTB Charitable Receipts (web) Power Point Slideshow
- Charity Central – Sample donation receipts
- CRA checklist
- Imagine Canada – Basics of Tax Receipting for Donations
- Issuing Receipts for Non-cash Charitable Donations
- Issuing Receipts in Specific Situations
Navigating HST in a Nonprofit Organization – WEBINAR
Need to know materials on navigating HST in a Nonprofit organization. A hour long webinar including basic guidelines for completing and understanding GST-HST for NPO’s.
(Offered Wednesday, 22 November 2017)
- Navigating HST in a Nonprofit Organization Webinar recording
- GI-066 How a Charity Completes Its GST-HST Return
- GI-067 Basic GST-HST Guidelines for Charities
- GST31-fill-17e
- GST66-fill-13e
- HST for Nonprofits Power Point Slideshow
- RC1-fill-17e
- RC4081-16e
- RC4082-10-16e
- RC7066-sch-fill-17e
Setting Up a Chart of Accounts – Where Do You Start? – WEBINAR
A 34 minute webinar on what an nonprofit organization needs to understand about setting up a chart of accounts and how to start.
(Offered Wednesday, 8 November 2017)
- Setting Up a Nonprofit Chart of Accounts – Where Do You Start Webinar recording
- Non Profit Chart of Accounts
- Clemenson Chart of Accounts White Paper
- QuickBooks for Nonprofits
- Top Free Accounting Software Options
- Setting Up Accounts Power Point Slideshow